See If Someone's Dating Photos Are Real Or Not

Never be catfished or fooled by someone's dating profile picture again because there is a new phone hack that will help you really know if someone is lying or not.

Essentially all you have to do to tell if someone is using a fake image or not is to look at their photo's metadata. Metadata is essentially the photo in a "digital form" and is what websites and apps use to keep a photo posted.

By saving the photo, if you are able to, to your photo library on either your iPhone or Android you will be able to see the exact date the photo was taken. For iPhones the date is at the beginning of the metadata while the date is at the end of the metadata for Androids.

Some photos will even give you a GPS location in the metadata so if you think you are talking to someone from New York and their photos are from Washington then you know something might be up!

Source: Business Standard

Photo: Getty Images

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