The internet loves to argue over optical illusions. Whether it is the color of a dress or some other type of clothing, or figuring out if something is a fence or a river, everyone loves to have an opinion on it. It doesn't even have to be a photo - we all remember the great "laurel" vs "yanny" debate from earlier this year. Now, there is a new picture perplexing the internets. It shows what looks like the back of a woman's head, but it could also be a photo of a woman's back.
The pic was first posted to Facebook by Lil Gothy Spice, who is the woman in the shot. It then got picked up on Twitter by @LilMaarty, who captioned it, "Why tf I thought this was her neck."
The caption confused plenty of people because, well, it looks like it is a close-up shot of a woman's neck. You can even see what look like her ears.
Then there are the other commenters who swear it is a photo of a woman with long hair flowing down her back.
The woman in the photo, a model and writer in Chicago, revealed it is indeed her back, but that didn't matter to a bunch of people.
Even though the confusing mystery has been put to an end, some people still have questions:
Photo Credit: Instagram/lilg0thyspice