Why Do I Keep Waking Up Between 3-4AM - Chinese Organ Clock???

FOREWARNING I'M NOT A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL!!! But sometimes people clue me in on things that just make sense for me...

So suddenly I've been waking up anywhere between 2:30AM and 4AM... typically I'm a sleep through the night type of person so it got me wondering what could be happening in my body that could be waking me up. Doc Morin of Vitruvian Wellness Center in West Springfield heard me talking about it on-air and sent my a note asking if I had ever heard of the "Chinese Organ Clock"... well as soon as I Googled it... some things really made sense.

What I Googled and Found Below...

"What organ is active at 4am?

The hours between 1am and 3am are governed by the liver meridian. Emotionally it is associated with anger and physically associated with your shoulder. The hours between 3am and 5am are governed by the lung meridian. Emotionally it is associated with grief and physically with the muscles around your lungs"

NOW is it the liver or lungs?... not sure because both make a little sense to some things I've been going through. And both my shoulder and lungs have had some issues over the last year... MIND BLOWN! Thanks for the intel Doc Morin.

I'd also like to note... I've been to physical therapy, my doc, and a chiropractor over the years to deal with some of my symptoms... AGAIN I'M NOT A DOCTOR...but the only relief I've ever gotten was from a Chiropractor.

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