Did You Know - Two Versions Of Every Girl Scout Cookie? MIND BLOWN!

Yesterday I get a text from one of my homies in the 413 with a link to this article . It shows the differences between the versions (YES VERSIONS) of each type of Girl Scout Cookie. Apparently where you grew up determines which type you are familiar.

The Girl Scouts use two different companies to bake their cookies; ABC Bakers and Little Brownie Bakers. Now most states have their universal versions, but in New England... it really could depend. In MA most of the state is familar with the Little Brown Baker versions, but out East ... ABC. SOOOO I've only known the Western MA versions and have yet to buy Girl Scout Cookies in the East. You can bet I'll be making a purchase this week!

Biggest Differences - S'mores... ABC Bakers covers their graham cracker cookie in chocolate where as Little Brownie is a Sandwich style cookie with frosting and fudge in the middle.

"Caramel deLites" are actually the Samoas I grew up on in the 413 ... the ABC version is a little lighter looking too.

Check out the article for the full map/differences.

Also if you are trying to track down some Cookies... use the Girl Scout Cookie Finder :-)

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