Destination Wedding Bridezilla!

Now I'm not about to knock the destination wedding because one of my closest friends from the time I was 12 had one a few years back and it so far has been one of my favorites! The price wasn't obscene, this was one of my closest friends, she premised the invite to only close friends and family with the "I understand if you can't make it work", and I got a nice little vacation with some of my most favorite people! WIN WIN! 

This bridezilla on the other hand... do you really have 150 close friends and family? Do you really expect them to shell out $3000 per person? Oh excuse me... she changed location to Hawaii so it was within reach for everyone...just $2000! She got a whopping 7 RSVPS and then took to Facebook for an epic rant where she further blasted people for only buying the cheap gifts from the registry. 

I'd like to remind all... getting married is the process of combining your life legally with someone else. The process can easily be done at Town Hall for a small fee. A wedding is the celebration of combining your life with another and no one is entitled to an extravagant celebration/financial commitment from your friends and family. 

If I'm ever to get married eloping somewhere beautiful sounds amazing! The actual party can happen later in a backyard somewhere with a taco truck that I will pay for! 

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