"Texts With My College Roommates" - New Segment

Have you ever felt you and your friends should have a reality show? I've felt this way about myself and my 5 college roommates since we were in college. WESTFIELD STATE 2007! 

In our twenties we accumulated plenty of stories about dress up dance parties, late night Disney Trivia, & epic fails including falling off of walls, fences, & almost (I stress ALMOST) peeing on a roommates computer chair (I'll out myself for that one - I was drunk/sleep walking and I thought I was in the bathroom...she stopped me in time). 

Now that we aren't together 24/7 and we've been graduated for 11 years we keep in contact through a group text. We still have our share of epic fails and when it happens we make sure that we all know about it! They still happen to at least one of us on a weekly basis! I have their blessing and of course code names will be given. If you happen to know all 6 of us ...have fun guessing because if you know us there will always be a few suspects! 

"TEXTS WITH MY COLLEGE ROOMMATES" #1 - This was the first thing I saw this morning and immediately I knew today was going to be a good day! 

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